The Reason for Friends | Teen Ink

The Reason for Friends

February 10, 2015
By Aracely Estrada BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Aracely Estrada BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where you get some place new that you do not know the language. That’s what happen to me when I came, I was in the second grade I was very happy where I was.  In the 3 grade I had to move into a different school in that year everything started. When I started to speak English and I did not know a lot of English, I felt bad and ashamed because other people had to listen to me read. One day a girl had to read with me and I started to read I could see her face that she did not want to be there she looked bored. As I started to make new friends I meet, my mom meet a friend and she had a daughter. We started talking, I thought that she was my friend after we had talk last year in the second grade.

She went to my house all the time and stay there all the time. As other girls starting talking to her, she would tell her personal things that would happen to me and my family and change them. Until, I heard all the things she and felt ashamed for the things she had done. Every day that I went to school I would go to the restroom, before class started my stomach would start to hurt. As having different weather in one places and putting them all together creating something big.

I felt like the whole world would go down, I had to spend all of my time with them .The girls that make fun of me live close to me I did not go outside to play, the thing I did not know that I had my enemy in my own house and that nobody notice one of my best friend now. Told me all the things she told her when she used to talk to her.  All the harm she had done over that year, know she is paying for all the things she had done. She had fallen in a depression and does not have friends, that she can’t hang out she does not want to do the regular things were all do. Her mom is having problems with her with all the bad things in school and at home.

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