The Key to Your Rusted Lock | Teen Ink

The Key to Your Rusted Lock

January 28, 2015
By Katrina96 BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
Katrina96 BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Depression is a drowning feeling.
Like a ball and chain is pulling you to the ocean’s cold, grainy bottom, restricting your lungs from air.
When something more is added, it can simulate somebody digging away at the sand you lay on, forcing you to fall deeper into your despair. You wait, hoping for someone to save you, hoping for a miracle to happen.  The reality is, the key to the shackles around your ankle was in your hand the whole time. You are the key to your own freedom, but learning how to turn the key in the keyhole will take some time, with individual struggles. 

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