The Medal Winner | Teen Ink

The Medal Winner

December 16, 2014
By Sophia Colclasure BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
Sophia Colclasure BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“While they were saying it couldn’t be done, it was done”. This quote from the admirable Helen Keller was both true towards her life, but also true to part of mine, even though no one thought I could do it, I won the 2014 Lawrenceville Open Race. It took a lot from me to get there, but I did it, and I proved everyone wrong.
It started with my early preparations for the race; both mentally and physically. Even though my peers told me it was useless, I would train everyday with my team by running at least three miles or doing conditioned sprints. As the day got closer, I ate foods full of carbs and drank plenty of water. I also read inspirational quotes and listened to music to get myself mentally prepared. 
As the race drew near, I made my final preparations for the race. Close to time, I went and did a mile warm-up and stretched out. I got to the line, looked at my competitors, and  finalized my race strategy. The gun fired and I took off, running at my usual pace, while keeping track of my competitors.
Then I saw the finish line. I started springing and pushing my legs to the limit. The thought of crossing the finish line flashed in my head. All the people who had doubted me were lined up cheering me on to victory. I barely pulled off the win, but I will forever reign as the 2014 Lawrenceville Open Race Champion.
All in all, my accomplishment of winning the race fits in with Helen Keller’s quote and life. Like her, I went through a struggle and made it out on top. Though many people doubted me and my abilities, I had faith in myself. I trained and prepared for the race. I did what they all said I could not and won the race.

The author's comments:

It's a work of art.

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