The Beach | Teen Ink

The Beach

December 2, 2014
By Writter257 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Writter257 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The best part of this year was the day my family traveled to Sea Isle City in New Jersey. We traveled during the summer at the end of July, around the time we usually when we have our annual beach trip.

It is always my mom’s family that goes to the beach together. My mom grew up in a family of seven kids, four girls and three boys. All these aunts and uncles create a huge family. I have a ton of cousins and when were all together we always have fun. Sometimes it is hard to get everyone in one place since there are so many families, but we all come together for the beach trips. This year my family shared a house with my Aunt Julie and Uncle Tony’s family. We stayed with them because they are the cousins that are most like my siblings and I. We all like to have fun and stay at the beach until around four when the girls begin to have trouble tanning. Also we do not like to plan our vacation; we just relax and improvise the next activity to do.

 Unlike most families, my family drives to the beach. We have been driving to the beach for as long as I can remember. Thankfully Sea Isle City is not extremely far away, only about six hours. Every year we decide to leave for the beach from our house at different times. This past trip we decided, after much debate, to leave at 3:00 in the morning. I know that seems insanely early, but it helps the car ride go fast because I slept through most of it.

 We took a short break in our journey around 7:00 to eat, I am wide-awake and eagerly looking out the window for signs of dark bluish- green ocean. The whole family is asking that anticipated question, “Are we there yet.” Then finally, after over an hour of this torture, I smell the fresh salt-water air, and I immediately picture seagulls, little beach stores, and nighttime walks on the sand. I now know I have reached paradise.

These trips are my favorite part of the summer and I look forward to them months in advance. The beach is my favorite place on earth. I honestly do not care which beach; I just love the ocean and its waves. I love the hot sun that leaves my cheeks pink and burning. But it is not just the beach I love; it is also all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins that I get to see.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write about a great experience I enjoyed with my family.

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