Why I'm Proud to be an American | Teen Ink

Why I'm Proud to be an American

November 7, 2014
By 6theo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6theo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My grandfather came to this country by boat in 1956 when he was 16 years old. As he grew up, he started a business as a carpenter. He then met my grandmother who had also immigrated to America from Greece.
Moving into a foreign country sounds like a scary experience. However, with all the opportunities and acceptance America has, immigrants like my grandparents had little trouble making a good life for themselves here. A stable job and income, a loving family, and a home to live in. My grandparent’s journey makes me proud, because they worked hard to get what they have in life. This sets a wonderful example for the generations to come, and it is something that is cherished in my family.
America is known as the Melting Pot, and this nickname couldn’t be more accurate. Thousands upon thousands of people come from different countries, and each has their own obstacles to overcome. I am proud to be American because I play a part in this acceptance of other races and ethnicities.
During my lifetime, I have seen racism decrease greatly. Things that happen today would not be acceptable if we were in a different time period. America has come so far, and now there are equal rights for everyone, regardless of where you come from. This is when America really comes together.
America invites those who want a better life, or a new start. The American Dream is what we stand by, and all of us have that dream--to have a life, to have a family and to leave a mark in this world. Without all the opportunities America has, none of us would be as successful, happy, or free as we are today. My grandparent’s are still working to this day, and they are in their 70’s. This makes me very proud to have them, because they are still happy and content with their lives.
We sometimes take for granted where and how we live. America is where everyone wants to be. We together are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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