Little Happinesses | Teen Ink

Little Happinesses

May 14, 2014
By Anonymous

There are little things in life that we should all pay the most attention to.

For me they are the smell of fresh rain, the fluffiness of warm blankets, the scratching of a pen on a once-blank page, the taste of rich dark chocolate, or creamy homemade mac 'n' cheese. Also the endless energy of puppies, a kind mother's helping hand, the ear to ear grin of a friend; so happy to see you. The wind through my hair as I whiz past on my bike, the damp, cold grass underneath you as you gaze up at the stars, and the moon that's there no matter where you go.

These are the things to hang on to when all seems lost; these are the things that will eventually pick you back up, and these are my little happinesses.

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