A Glimpse of Glory | Teen Ink

A Glimpse of Glory

January 13, 2014
By Jacklyn Yoon BRONZE, Jericho, New York
Jacklyn Yoon BRONZE, Jericho, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Traveling through an endless path of undulating roads, I could see the spaces between the forked edges of the wall grow wider and wider. Gazing from the bus window on that early morning, I was pleasantly greeted by a stream of sunlight peaking through a blanket of thickened clouds. The aroma of summer charcoal and minty evergreen seeped through the cracks of the window and enveloped the air around me. Breathing in the foreign air that my lungs had marked with unfamiliarity bled an electrifying feeling under my skin; it was the same type of feeling that had stimulated the nerves beneath the hidden cross necklace on my chest, as over rehearsed words rolled off my tongue at the Beijing International Airport.

Looking back, I remember the customs man's face so distinctly as if it were that of my own father's but far less handsome of course. Inquisitively he asked '"So what exactly you are going to do here in China?''' I was cautioned by my Pastor to hide all things Jesus. Putting Communism, Christians, and missionaries together, my first thought was to just go and situate myself right next to Mao Zedong in his adorned tomb and maybe, just maybe, I would be safe there. Suddenly, I recalled a quote from John Piper's Risk is Right, which said, "If we walk away from risk to keep ourselves safe, we will waste our lives." I had traveled 6,824 miles for a clear purpose; it was the will of God for us to take risks for the sake of His glory. This epiphany-like vision convinced me to become radical for Christ in my days to come. After three blissful weeks of hosting an international children's camp while teaching the Bible, music theory, and English, I was ready to spend a few days in reflection and admiration of God's creations.

Arriving at the entrance of the Great Wall of China, that thriller sensation was all but mitigated. The crumbling steps had no effect on the grandeur of the Great Wall of China. I closed my eyes and took in the indescribable nature; I prayed and thanked God for such a glorious moment.

Like a school of fish in a meandering stream, my friends and I raced as fast as we could through the flowing steps. Twenty-five minutes of climbing was all it took to completely exhaust my lungs and induce a noticeable growth in the muscles of my calves. I was convinced that we had trekked through half of the Wall, but in actuality, we had only conquered four measly slopes.

Serving in God's kingdom is like traveling through the Great Wall of China. Although the paths are steep and unpredictable, every step is guided by a new glimpse, a new breath of grace. While other religions say that we must climb our whole lives to earn redemption, Christianity says that Jesus has already redeemed for all of mankind and no matter the distance, He will never abandon us in our journey.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece when I began reflecting upon what I truly had taken away as a Christian from my summer missions trip to Beijing, China. I hope that people will read this and become inspired to change the world one step at a time!

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