Tao of the Underdog | Teen Ink

Tao of the Underdog

December 23, 2013
By Anamareally SILVER, Saluda, North Carolina
Anamareally SILVER, Saluda, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

I want to take a moment and thank my fellow underdogs.
As underdogs, we're not always the best. We aren't the strongest or the fastest or the most qualified. And even so, we truck on to the highest standard of our abilities, we're learning and training and doing what we can to prove that we have what it takes. We're motivated to be the highest level of amazing, even though not many people believe in us. We fight for our spots in teams and clubs, and we never let discouragement stop us.
The crowds might not be cheering our name right now, but they will be. As underdogs, we appreciate the fact that talent is great, but persistence in underrated.

The author's comments:
We're motivated to be the highest achievable level of amazing.

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