A New Phone | Teen Ink

A New Phone

December 6, 2013
By keving BRONZE, Stockton, California
keving BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up on anything.

Oh my god! I never get what I want when I want it. It always has to be a day or two later. I’m not a patient kind of kid. When I want things, I want them them now. Not days later. My mom and dad, John and Maria, always tell me to do chores to save money and buy what I want. The thing is how am I supposed to save money when they always forget to pay me when I finish my chores? When I get my money, I want to buy a new phone. I want it to be cool, touchscreen and new. An IPhone would sound nice. Right now I have a Galaxy but I do not like it because I do not like big phones and it always freezes and is slow sometimes. I want my new phone to be fast, to not freeze, and just be a better phone. I got my Galaxy on Christmas from my mom and dad and was happy and I thought it was a very good phone but now there are newer and better phones that do not freeze and are faster. My dad signed a two year contract with the Galaxy and so far it has only been one year and I cannot wait another whole year for a new phone. I am desperate to get a new phone. I ask my dad every month about times and he says he will buy me a new phone when he has time but he always has time on the weekends and he never buys me a new phone.

Dad said, “Alex, we will buy you a new phone when we can buy the whole family a new phone and when we have time.’’

“Is it going to be a long time?’’ I asked.

Mom said, “Do not buy him new phone because he does not deserve it!’’

I said, “What!, I always do my chores and everything you tell me to do!’’

Dad said, “I will buy all of us a new phone when I have the time and we all find the right phone.’’
My big sister Elysia said that she wants an IPhone five, my mom said that she wants a Galaxy Note Tab Three, and my dad said that he wants an IPhone Five or a Galaxy Note Tab Three. We all want expensive phones and we already have expensive but we all want better phones that do not freeze.

Mom said, “We all have good phones right now so we do not need new ones until very later.’’

I said, “No we don’t, we have slow and freezing phones right now except for my sister.’’
She has a Galaxy S Three which is one of the newest phones and best ones, too.

“Why does my sister have a newer and better phone than all of us?” I asked.

Mom said, “Because she really needs it she needs to call for when she is at her job, her cards and much more.’’
I said, “But I also need a better phone because I always call you after school when I do not see that you are here to pick me up and if I get lost or something else important. I also need it to play games and all the social networks to communicate with my friends.’’

Mom said, “You already know I will be there after school so you do not need a phone because you already have an IPod and an IPad Alex. What else do you need?’’

I said, “But what if you are not there and you are late because of traffic or I forgot to tell you we had a short day.’’

Mom said, “Alex, you already have a pretty good phone so stick with it and we will buy you a new one when we have the money and when we have time.’’

Days and months passed and my parents forgot that they will buy me a new phone. My dad said in the car that his phone is starting to get old, very slow, and that it is starting to freeze. I thought we were all going to get a new phone once he said that but I have not gotten a new phone yet. My mom admitted that her phone is also getting slow and starting to freeze a lot to. My sister is just over there happy and having lots of fun with her Galaxy S Three that never freezes or have any other problems while I am just hoping to get a new phone.

My dad and I are now on the same side to get a new phone now. My mom and my sister are just mad and saying that I should not waste all that money on something that I need until I get older. My dad always says that he wants to buy a new phone but he never has time. I feel bad for him because he has to work for twelve hours a day five days a week. He works very hard and he deserves a new phone or a new thing whenever he wants it because he earns by working hard almost everyday all those hours. My mom always works very hard at her job and in our home also. She just retired from her job a few months ago after about fifteen years of hard work about eight hours a day six days a week.

I have to admit it. My sister does need a better phone than I do because she is only twenty one and she is already working very hard almost seven days a week eight hours a day. But I think I also do need a better phone because I need to call my mom or dad on time after school if they are late or needed to do something very important and I needed to wait longer at school or if I get lost let me say in the mall or someplace big and complicated with a lot of stores or objects. I will need a good phone for that.

My dad needs a good phone for basically everything. To call me, my sister, my mom for things like to make sure that we are ok or anything else that is important.

One day, my dad said to get up and that we are going to BestBuy. I was confused and happy because I was thinking that I was going to get a new phone. He asked me which phone I wanted. I said an IPhone five and he said ok. He bought me the phone and I was very happy. I did do a lot of work for it like mowing my lawn every week, picking up the dogs poop everyday, cleaning my room, cleaning my sister’s room sometimes, and much more. I think I deserved it.

The author's comments:
I want a new phone so I figured I would change characters and write a story about it.

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