Without Him | Teen Ink

Without Him

November 26, 2013
By naeeee BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
naeeee BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the moment when my father passed away. I was in the sixth grade. I was a daddy’s girl. Going through that experience caused me to hurt inside because my father loved me with all he had. For that I will always love and cherish him. Not only did I feel special, I was loved and cared for because I had a bond with my father that most kids don’t have.

The day my father told me he had cancer was one of the worst days of my life. We sat down and talked about everything. I asked him, “ How can this happen?” “It happens to many people,” he said,
“Are you going to make it?” “I’m not sure.”
“What am I gonna do with you?” “You’ll be okay. I’ll always be with you.”
“I don’t wanna be alone.” “You’re never going to be alone. I’m always there even if I’m not.”
“I love you daddy.” “I love you more, Mo.”

He told me it happens to many people. All I could do was cry. But we didn’t let that get us down. I went to see him everyday at his house. We would have the best times together. Even though I knew he wasn’t going to be there for long, I still asked God to let him make it.

One day I was coming home from school, I got a call that broke my heart. My brother told me my father didn’t make it. I broke down crying. I thought my life was coming to an end. I lost the person I loved more than life itself -- my bestfriend, my heart, my soul, my father.

Having to go through losing my father was very hard to get over. I thought my life would never be the same again. I thought I would never be the same. I thought I would never be happy again. I thought God hated me because he took my father away from me. I felt alone, hurt, setup, sad, mad, uncared, unloved, and broken hearted. I was losing my mind. I cried every day and night. Just the thought of him made me sad. But I knew I could get through it.

This experience showed me that I can be strong. I stopped thinking about how he was never coming back even though it hurt so bad. Instead I tried my best to start thinking about how he was the best father a girl could ask for. It gets harder and harder everyday knowing I will never see or talk to my father again. But I know he’s looking over me and showing me the right way to go.

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