My First Kiss | Teen Ink

My First Kiss

October 18, 2013
By Anonymous

The sky and water were both so clear on that beautiful Sunday morning. The ocean was bright blue and frigid, as I climbed down the rickety later. My step sisters and I were standing on a netted platform, which was connected to the same wall as the ladder. The ugly yellow life vest was hugging me so that I could barely move my torso in the direction that the man was speaking. He called the little girl with the brown hair and polka dot bathing suit to please step forward. I felt like I couldn’t see and had lost all of my senses; the little kid who kept jumping on the platform was not helping.

My mind was racing a mile a minute. What if I hurt him? Ronaldo came up to me, leaned forward, and kissed me. It was one of the best experiences of my life. He was much more gentle than I thought he would be for someone his size. Ronaldo kissed my step sisters too, and soon after he was getting ready to leave us. We gave him a pat on the back as he said his final goodbyes, and then he was gone. I told my entire family that Ronaldo was going to be my best friend. On the boat ride back to our hotel, my older step sister Katelin broke my heart. She told me that one can not have a dolphin as a best friend. She was definitely mistaken.

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