Sneakout NIghtmares | Teen Ink

Sneakout NIghtmares

January 15, 2013
By L_Pavone BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
L_Pavone BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was a Saturday afternoon and my cousin and I had planned on sneaking out of my house the upcoming night to hangout with these two girls. All day we had planned out everything, from our escape, to our return. We had planned to go out my back patio door; it was the furthest from my parent’s room, and also the quietest door in the house. And for our arrival we would sneak back in through my window safely and quietly. We both knew that our plan was going to work, we had no doubt in our minds. I kind of had my doubts but my cousin replied: “We got this!” As it got darker, and darker we were becoming more, and more excited. Soon the time came and we were ready for action. Dressed in all black we were blacker than the midnight sky. The parents were tucked in bed and the ladies were waiting for us at the end of the block. We open my bedroom door “CRRREEEEEEEEKKKKKKK” we weren’t expecting that one. Slowly we tiptoed through the long hallway pass my parents room, pass my brothers room. Reached the door and all of a sudden “BARK” my dog Zoey starts barking as we were almost out. It was as if everything we planned were just for nothing; everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. At this point I was so scared but we had finally made it out and we were good to go! Through my backyard, and finally to the home stretch to the end of my driveway. When all of a sudden I hear “ STOP RIGHT THERE MISTER!” “Where do you think your going” I could feel my heat stop with each passing second, I could feel each drop of sweat ooze out of each and every pore. I froze In place as if we were having a game of freeze tag. I knew I was caught and in the only few seconds I had to answer I had thought up my excuse. “mom we were just going to check the mail box” My mother said: “its two o’clock in the morning’” I replied “BUT, BUT, BUT…….. im sorry….” My mother had said if I had left the driveway I would have been grounded for the rest of my life, I am never trying that again for the rest of my life.

The author's comments:
A fun weekend with my cousin and I

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