Out of sight, not out of mind! | Teen Ink

Out of sight, not out of mind!

December 10, 2012
By tsides920 BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
tsides920 BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A day that is like every other day turns for the worst; my brother and I are getting ready to go to sleep and my mother is out for her daily run. All of a sudden she comes through the door telling us to grab our things, we have got to go. At this point the question of what is going on is just racing through my head as I gather my things and get into the car. Once we are in the car and we have pulled out of the driveway my mom stops and looks at us and says the words that no one wants to hear “We are headed to the hospital. Your dad is not doing well.” Those words made mine and my brother’s heart pounds as we scream and cry for my dad. This night would change our lives forever.

We pull into the hospital’s parking lot and our bodies are shaking, the tears still streaming down our faces. My mom looks at us and is trying to comfort us, as she has to break the news of my dad passing. What had happened? Why did it happen? Why could they have not helped him? Where is he? Those questions start to resonate throughout my head as I began the denial of what had happened in this short period of time. I had just seen him that weekend and now he is gone forever. I did not think to call him that week, therefore I had not gotten to tell him bye and that I loved him! Soon thereafter the reality kicked in my intention was to go and see him. As I stepped out of the car my body was so weak that I could not bear the walk from the car inside. I just sat on the curb crying, wondering why.

When I got into the hospital they walked us down this hall where people already lined the hall in shock. They stand there crying as they watch my brother, mom and I walk down into the room where the family sits waiting. The room has the feeling of emptiness while everyone cries and tries to comfort one another. This is exactly what I do not want in this time of shock simply because I do not want to believe what is going on. The anticipation slowly starts to become harder and harder as we sit there. Finally we are allowed to go back to the emergency room where we would find my dad.

Even though I wanted to see my dad, there was a part of me that kept from entering that room. I sit on the floor outside of the room in a ball as I shake and cry. Everyone is around me and wanting to help. They stand there asking me if I need anything. The only answer I can think of is that I want my dad. But I knew that was not something that anyone could provide me with.

Slowly I begin to get the courage to go into the room where my dad lies. I cannot grasp what he looks like. He is so still and stiff. The color of his skin is so purple. When I grab his hand, my body goes numb because of how cold his body is.
I will never forget the first time seeing him after the weekend we had spent working on homework together and going to see movies. The day that would change our life forever!

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