An Autumn Evening | Teen Ink

An Autumn Evening

December 4, 2012
By Anonymous

The door swung open almost by its self as I stepped outside into the cool, fall air. It only took a few steps for me to find the perfect place to sit down on the soft, colorful, fallen leaves.

Tall, green grass tickled my toes as the wind softly swept across the yard. A maple leaf made a quiet scraping noise as it moved along the busy road beside me. Wheels of all kinds of different vehicles also made their way along the dark pavement, making a “swoosh” sound.

Behind me, three lonely trees, about 20 feet tall, stood in a perfect line next to each other, as if to be watching the beautiful sunset. As that blazing star slowly inched its way down, the sky changed to pink, blue, purple, and then a calming shade of orange.

The air felt thin, yet rather chilly but soothing. It blew from the kid’s playground about a half mile away, to the nearby middle school. From the middle school, it blew to the pine trees beneath the grassy hill, which made distance further to the nearest track field. It blew past the trees and hills, and then swept across the tired ground, putting it to sleep as the sun continued its way out of sight behind the small church nearest to my right. From the ground it visited the three lonely trees in a straight line.

From the trees, to the ground under my feet, then to the busy road, making more leaves dance their way to cross it. Who knows where else soft breeze had traveled from there.

After gazing at the sunset for a minute or so, my eyes wandered elsewhere. Three playful fox squirrels chirped loudly as they fought over who gets to keep the biggest acorn in all the land. The biggest of the three had this newly found treasure in his mouth, which puffed his left cheek out by unrealistic inches. The two smaller squirrels chased the big squirrel trying to get the acorn! They ran left and right, around the trees, up the trees, and down again. They ran behind the hill towards the playground, then came back around the church and loudly chirped around the three trees again. I imagined myself as the squirrel sheriff, thinking that I definitely would have already written the three outlaws a ticket for disturbing the peace! Finally, they bravely ran across the road and out of sight. It remains a mystery of which ended up with the giant acorn.

It began to turn cold enough to see steam from my breath in the air. Looking again at the sun, I noticed it was now already making arrangements to be replaced with the moon, as it said its final good-bye’s ‘ill marrow. The colors in the sky were now fading as seconds went by. Darker and darker was this part of the world, and colder and colder was the air around me. Right as it almost was too dark to see, I sat my pencil down and I rose to my feet and felt my way inside.

The author's comments:
Descriptive writing is one of my favorite things to do. This peice is from my journal a couple weeks ago.

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