my best friend | Teen Ink

my best friend

January 31, 2012
By Anonymous

Tessa B.
All of my friends have made me the person I am today. And mostly my best friend Tessa! I am honored that she was a part of my life. Every second we hung out just gave us more memories to look back on. Like the time we went to Wal-Mart at one in the morning and pushed each other in carts up and down the aisles! Or when we texted each other even though we were sitting right next to each other! We had been through so much together. I was always able to turn to her when I was at a low point in my life. But, we still had so much more to learn about each other. We pushed and bugged each other at times where we couldn’t even stand to be in the same room and that was what made us stronger. We laughed when nothing was funny and we were mad when there was nothing to be mad about. I realize now that we would always be best friends no matter what happened in life. Whether we were miles apart or sitting right next to each other, she would always be my best friend. And I knew that if the day ever came for us to go our separate ways, she would always be there for me, just as I would have always have been there for her. The miles we could of have had between us could never have broken up our friendship.
Her best characteristic was her hard work ethic. She would drag herself out of bed at six in the morning, five days a week to go babysit. She would do anything to see others happy. I was proud to have her in my life. And yes we may have fought a lot and not agreed on everything but, when it came down to it, she was always been there for me and I knew I could always count on her. We went through good and bad times together but, mostly good!

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