Untitled | Teen Ink


December 11, 2011
By Mercedes.B BRONZE, Arcata, California
Mercedes.B BRONZE, Arcata, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The glowing lights illuminate the stage from all angles, and I watch as a group of people make their way to the middle of the stage. They all dance in unison, each body shaped just like the next, yet they are all different in many ways. They are similar in the fact that each person is reeking of happiness, and it’s coming out on their faces. Everyone is smiling, glowing. A soft harmonious tune leads them in their performance. And then, it slowly fades out. Dancers leave the stage by twos, and then it is over. A slight silence overcomes us all, until the next song starts. A joyful noise fills the theater, and a new set of dancers make their way onto the stage, one by one. As I am watching them come out, a smile appears on my face, and I can’t hold it back. And then it’s my turn to go on, and when I come out, I am radiating joy. The lights are still there, blinding me from seeing anything but the sweep of my skirt and my fluttering hands. I can see outlines of those who I love in the audience, and those who teach on the side of the stage, hidden from the audience by thick black curtains. Everyone I manage to catch a glimpse of has a grin on their face, which makes mine even bigger. I savor every bit of my precious time out there, with lights pointed at me, until my song fades and it’s time to leave. I jump off with a bound, returning to the dark depths behind the curtains, the unseen world. Another dance follows mine, but I can’t stay to watch.

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