Tears | Teen Ink


December 8, 2011
By Baani BRONZE, Karnal, Other
Baani BRONZE, Karnal, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Art is long, and time is fleeting<br /> And our hearts though stout and brave<br /> Still, like muffled drums are beating<br /> Funeral marches to the grave.

Each teardrop that trickles down some cheek has an endless series of memories and emotions attached to it. It’s not a careless droplet falling out of an eye but an eternity of sensitivity, an age of expression. It’s a part of one’s hearts, diluted with fragments of the soul, withering away due to negligence. It is a result of a tireless era of self-restraint, a period of holding back, being unnaturally strong finally giving way to disintegration, pouring out debris of hope. It is a reflection of shattered dreams, broken promises. It is a downpour of shredded trust. All in all, it’s a whole world put together to let fall to pieces.

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