Like A Dream | Teen Ink

Like A Dream

April 22, 2011
By softball4life BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
softball4life BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The greatest glory never comes from falling, but from rising each time you fall&quot;<br /> -???

The sand forms around my feet like the play dough that we used to play with when we were younger. The sun beams down, making me sweat like a dog. Screaming kids are running around, while their mothers are lying down on towels sunbathing. The waves crash along the shore and beautiful sea shells are washed up. The sea shells are an assortment of different colors. A crab scurries across the beach. A man is para sailing across the sky in a bright red parachute. He is flailing like a fish! The slight whiff of a hot dog passes by my nose. A couple guys were grilling them up by the sidewalk. I run up to get a hot dog from them. I take the first bite. The white, fluffy bun and hot, flavorful hot dog are broken down and slide down my throat. I finish the last bite of my hot dog, satisfied and full. I step out into the water. It's cold, so cold that my toes tingle. I let out a quiet epp! as a small fish swims by my foot. I slowly take steps out farther as the water cools the rest of my body. Eventually, I'm all under, even my head! I open my eyes, and the salt water burns my eyes. But I keep them open because it's such a beautiful sight. There are beautifully colored fish swimming all around, and there is a variety of plants on the ocean floor. This is like a dream and I wish I could stay here forever...

The author's comments:
I visited Florida over Spring Break of 2011. This is my way of describing a small part of it.

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