An Expression of Passion | Teen Ink

An Expression of Passion

February 15, 2011
By J.H.Nguyen BRONZE, Arcadia, California
J.H.Nguyen BRONZE, Arcadia, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C'est La Vie

In modern society, most people think that passion is something that can only be seen in poets, artists, would-be-pirates, and libertines. That passion is an expression of feeling that is as exotic as a mango tree in Oklahoma. Society has faded into a meaningless grey, where people rush by without lifting their heads, and fall into conformity that the larger parts of politics and pop-culture drive them into. To put it simply, where has all of the passion gone?
Imagine if you will, a room filled with open, eager faces turned towards the front. Large windows that make up a wall let warm sunlight in and a single figure stands in the front. Their arms wave about wildly and their voice is a rising and falling crescendo of excitement, and theirs is the only voice that rises over the hum of a ceiling fan. A teacher, doing his or her job as they have done for so many years, and they still have just as much energy. This is a person whose passion for their subject has not faded into the background, it has not become something they loath from day to day. Their passion is ever flowing forth into the ears of fresher minds, inspiring them to go on and do something they love. Passion, passion beyond art, poetry, pop-culture, and politics. But at the same time, so very much so in tune with all of these things. Cheesy as it may sound, it is our teachers that hold the passion of our society.
Teachers are the ones who inspire us to heights unimagined. These vessels of seemingly unending knowledge hold a passion that not every person gets to experience forever, and even though we may disappoint them with our lack of enthusiasm, our procrastination, and even our insomnia, they still find the energy and love to stand in front of us and rant and rave about something that they love. Their passion is equivalent to that of a Man of God, whose faith and love inspires all of his congregation. So let us flock to our teachers, and learn, or not, but take note of their fervor. Look, really look, and see the fire in their eyes. Just hope that you may be consumed too.

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