everyone should check out!! | Teen Ink

everyone should check out!!

January 10, 2011
By inWonderland BRONZE, Pretoria, Other
inWonderland BRONZE, Pretoria, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Never ever you would see as much craziness as the German stadium, when watching Bundesliga. German fans support their teams, like their lives depend on it. They scream and sing and make weird moves; there was a family sitting next to me and a little girl was swearing like a refueller at the petrol station every time the rules were broken. It was quite entertaining!
Unfortunately, I was sitting in the sector of a team that I was not supporting, so every time they were pushing through and I was getting excited – people were giving ne weird looks, but that was making it even more fun!!
The game itself was also quite hectic. Players were getting aggressive, there almost was a fight on the field, even a referee got tackled and fell down, I have never heard of that happening.
Apparently it could have gotten even crazier, because the fans of the winning team were escorted from the stadium by the police.
The thing that I liked the most was that after scoring a goal the winning team went running to their fan`s tribunes to hug them all and celebrate together. So much love! Was awesome;-)

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