June 27, 2010
By jalaj BRONZE, Faridabad, Other
jalaj BRONZE, Faridabad, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
two most stupid things to do are synchronising success and hazing hopelesness

sometimes in life we are so busy that we dont recongnise the basic realizations and amazing{maybe amusing for some}things of the for a teenager like me the best people to recongnise are britney or penelope cruz or andre agassi or msy be sachin tendulkar or even zidane.but thats not the case because being a everyday rider to school on my bicycle i got a chance to identify the "real "intereting faces.with my everyday journey to school en route railway tracks i noticed and identified an unknown ,intereting,impulsive face that kept me thinking{even for a while}.the basic reason was {though i never had time nor patience to identify others}was the straightness in his face and not the lameness of his body, the certain observation in his eyes and not the dirt on his face and most of all the attitude of self depence even he was with a bowl but not begging . he was the one i really found intereting in this monotonous world{the titile given by the residents themselves},the best thing was that though he got mostly disgusting faces and also some pity; ofcourse some of words and some of money but his expression to all was the same and yeah it takes mr. spielberg some days and various shots to get the same from the best actors whom most of us ideolise .and most of all being crirical of me i just forgot him in a few days in my machinised life but one day i found that he has just dissapeared .who knows whether he went somewhere{what a stupid thought he was lame}or might be just thrown away {a realistic thought in todays world}or might have died .but yet his face remained in my thought [even for sometime}but the dignity will be there for always .i know this article may get tears in eyes of some peopleeven pity in others good enough to make them sigh or maybe even better to make them sign a cheque to a charitable trust but i am not trying to create the picture of children with flies in thre eyes and swollen bellies but may be a picture of the true yet disguised and unidentified world

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