Heartbroken | Teen Ink


May 22, 2010
By babygurl82 SILVER, Buena Vista, Colorado
babygurl82 SILVER, Buena Vista, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Summer romances end for all kinds of reasons. But when all is said and done, they have one thing in common: They are shooting stars-a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, a fleeting glimpse of eternity. And in a flash, they're gone."Notebook

Heartbroken. Been there done that. My heart was shattered into a million little pieces. I tried putting the pieces back together but without glue I was getting nowhere.Then when you came along I realized that you were the glue that was going to hold my heart together.

The author's comments:
2 guys inspired this....My EX bf and my CURRENT bf

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