My identity | Teen Ink

My identity

April 18, 2024
By Anonymous

With almost being named Caroline, Ava is the perfect fit for me. It took time for me to understand that identity in today’s world is valueable. I used to think the name Ava was very short and boring. Although over the years, I find that Ava is special and I should embrace it. 

Elegance and Simplicity, two words that describe the name Ava. When I think of the name Ava I think of a body of water. Attracted by the phonetic and Harmnious that it has when saying it. Although Ava might just be enough for some people, for me Ava King is more like me. With the name Ava and it being a very popular name in the 20th century, adding something a little more personal, by adding my last name when saying it gives it more of a personal touch. King; some people might think that the name King means authority, power, and grandeur. But I see it as our family tree, with all of our relatives and history that my family holds with the last name King. Not to mention how cool it sounds. With only 0.6% of the population in the United States having the last name King. Dance, Cross Country, being confirmed in the Catholic Church. These events have had a lasting effect on my life. Going to an open call audition with anxiety almost taking over, then hearing my name “Ava King” something about hearing your full name knocked me out of my shock and allowed me to break through all of the nerves I have at an audition. Taking Pride and standing tall with confidence because the only thing that is representing me in that moment is my name. We should all learn that we only get one name, and we should embrace the difference, and love your name. Ava King, my identity, my security, my brand. It is who I am today and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

The author's comments:

This is an essay about my name. Something that we don't often think too much about. Taking time to reflect on something and give a story of how important it is to us. 

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