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May 30, 2023
By lang323t SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
lang323t SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Coming home from a long day at work at Target, Thinking about work and school all day stressed me out making me annoyed which makes me want to tell you about the best food I’ve had recently. Food usually calms me down and makes me happy and me hearing that my mom was making a homemade meal made me so happy.

The meal for dinner was steak, potatoes, and asparagus. The meal started off with the making of the butter for the topping and giving the steak more flavor when it is done being made. My mom’s herb butter goes with everything and is very easy to make.  The Filet Mignon is the best cut of steak and the perfect size. “Crack, Crack” as the seasons pour onto the filet.  To the skillet, it goes to give it a good crust and the perfect inside. Not too pink but a little is perfect for me because it grosses me out. Seeing it getting cooked in the skillet is the best because it makes the house smell so good and when you are basting the steak with the herb it makes it even better. Once the steak is done it gets topped off with the herb butter again to finish it off making it the best steak I've ever had

Next is the potatoes, One of my favorite vegetables but it can never top broccoli. The golden potatoes are next they are about the size of a golf ball so many are getting made. The shiny gold potatoes are getting cleaned before cooking them. First, the potatoes are getting smashed “Bang”  into little circles with indents in them to make them look fancy but also it helps to cook the potatoes faster and make them taste better. They are going into the oven to cook. The potatoes come out crispy on the outside but very soft on the inside and also have a very good taste which makes them the best Potatoes I’ve ever had.

Finally is the asparagus. Asparagus is hated by a lot of people but some people find it amazing like my family. It is definitely the top vegetable that we eat. It starts off with the asparagus getting cleaned then going straight into lathering them in oil and some seasoning. The Asparagus sprints like a cheetah into the oven for them to cook for a while because some crunch on the Asparagus isn’t too tasty to eat. When the asparagus is out of the oven it is very soft and has a very good taste making it the best Asparagus I've ever had 

Sitting down at the dinner table with the steam and all of the smells of the food going into our faces we all can’t wait to eat. The first bite was amazing and everything else tasted very good. This was the best meal I’ve had recently. 

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