What the United States Flag Stands For | Teen Ink

What the United States Flag Stands For

November 4, 2022
By bmkopatich GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
bmkopatich GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom. In a country so chaotic there is one thing that can bring us back together. The flag that sways in the wind outside our house or watches over us in the classroom. With each color we remember the people that died for our country and the people who gave us freedom. 

When I look at the flag I remember my grandpa who served and fought in the Korean War. I remember my other grandpa who served in the Air Force Reserves for multiple years. I am reminded of my father who traveled to different countries while serving in the Navy. When I look at the flag I think about my brother who is currently in the United States Merchant Marine Academy. 

These people in my family are my biggest role models. The way they respect our country and are willing to serve for everyone, even people who don’t care about our country shows the selflessness that runs through their body. 

The flag is the biggest symbol of what makes our country free. We stand for the flag as we recite The Pledge of Allegiance in the classroom before starting our day. We stand for the flag on Friday nights before kickoff. The whole community comes together to show the love they have for this country.. We stand for the flag before any big or little ceremony to show respect. Before my piano recital in the little white church we stand together to support the flag. 

We as free Americans can make the choice whether we want to stand or not. We also get to decide if we want to share our opinion on any idea. That's the beauty of being free, and we thank our soldiers and veterans for that. 

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