Essay Contest: The lady with Groceries | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: The lady with Groceries

October 3, 2022
By Tbone13 SILVER, Susssex, Wisconsin
Tbone13 SILVER, Susssex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a nice cold day in January, partly cloudy with a cool breeze. Snow was still on the ground and the sky almost looked gray. I went to the grocery store to help my mom and when we eventually got back to the car I had to help her with the groceries because I’m the strongest in the family. 

As I was grabbing the milk carton, I noticed an elderly woman coming from the store to her car.

“Trevor, could you give me some help with this?” my mom said while pointing to the pack of water.

“Now why would I do that?” I said in a sarcastic voice, obviously joking.

“Very funny, Now could you?”

Without saying a word I walked over and helped her with the pack of water which was actually heavier than I originally thought. A gust of wind started to pick up which didn’t help whatsoever but I still held the pack of water and put it in the trunk of the car. I then realized it was crushing the bread so I moved it to the back seat. That's when I thought I heard someone panting, like they were exhausted. I turned around and it was the elderly lady struggling with the milk and juice cartons.

 While I started to make my way over to the elderly woman, I made a gesture towards my mom letting her know that I was going to help the woman.

“Excuse me miss but you look like you need some help,” I said with concern on my face.

“Why, yes young man, I would really appreciate that,” she said smiling.

That's when I proceeded to help her in which she was so happy that I did.

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the teens making a difference contest

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