What My Name Means To Me | Teen Ink

What My Name Means To Me

September 29, 2021
By 3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Carli. Sharply pronounced as your tongue curls to finish it. Simple. Short and to the point, but definite and lasting. A name that... carries my reputation. Its importance is much more vast than when first heard. 

It means “free-woman”, someone not bound by the world, carefree. But ironically, I managed to get snagged in the hook of life, being pulled in all directions. Dragged through looming mountains of schoolwork and expectations, I stumble blindly away from being untroubled. 

“Why do you stress so much, Carli? Just take it easy. Enjoy life as it is.” A voice echoes.

To me, my future can not slack when things become tight. Instead, I push on harder than before because I can achieve anything if I grind enough. Persistence and grit will make the cut.

Hard work will transform my name into what I want it to become. Chasing dreams and pursuing passions motivates in the long, hard nights. Knowing one day sweatpants in a bedroom will turn into scrubs in a hospital. My name will care for names that are at their lowest. My name will cheer for names that leave fully well. It will be my career and life.

When I submit work, my name follows. When I meet someone new, my name follows. And when I am asked to define myself, my name follows. My name has meaning and is who I am. Short, simple, and carefree.

The author's comments:

This short essay talks about how my name defines who I am and who I want to become one day. I hope to become a sports medicine physician. This essay talks about how my name is my reputation and something that sticks with me for life.

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