Trust Doesn't Come Naturally | Teen Ink

Trust Doesn't Come Naturally

October 20, 2013
By Anonymous

I can never forget the day that turn my word side down by how I acted and the why I thought about other people. The started of like an normal day in my house. My family woke up and got ready, My brother and I had a piano festival that day. After the piano festival My family and our neighbors, who's kids played at the festival too, went back to their house and made homemade pizzas for dinner. My parents left and couple times that night to go home, I thought they were just getting stuff so i didn't really think much of it. As it came time to leave I felt a weird tension between my parents, I could not figure out why. We said good by and went to the car. My mum was already had started the engine and was waiting for us, my brother rushed into the front seat, I hooped in back and left the door open for my dad. He walked up to the door and just like that my mum started to move."Mum stop I want to walk with dad" I yelled "Shut the door" she insisted. I slammed the door shut, my mum had zoomed our of the neighborhood. Panic started to set in, I already started to feel my trust in people start to slowly slip away. She got on to the highway and I started to ball, not even knowing why I was crying, my brother followed me making harmony for cries. "Mum, Where are we going?" I said through my sobbing "I had to take you away before your dad could tell you" I could hear her started to cry. Whats going on? Did someone pass away? Where are we going? Question passed through my head. I think my mum realized what she did was wrong, but now I know the hole story I understand. She got off and turn around. "I have to tell you something and I wanted you to hear it from me" I was going through thing in my head of what she could have said. Then she said the thing that i would never thought could happen to my family. "Your Father and I are getting a Divorce" oh how i hate that word. I started to cry and wonder why. I alway believed that my parents would the 20% of parent that would stay together, but I am afraid I spoke to soon. After hear what my dad had did all these memories started to come back to me and how a lot of things made sense, all the lies. I have very much learn from this experience and how I am not so innocent anymore. I used to be that person had could someone easily, but now it now its a wonder I trust anybody at all. That world trust will never mean the same to me ever again.

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