I've Been Hit | Teen Ink

I've Been Hit

February 26, 2013
By Aprice SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
Aprice SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Children laughing, screaming and shouting, Cheerleaders cheering, and kids running during this sunny school day at my elementary school. During recess all of fifth grade, me and my friends would play freeze tag almost everyday. On this unfortunate day, almost all of the girls in the grade wanted to play freeze tag with us. Since my name is typical, there was another girl named Hayley playing. Since this childish game of freeze tag was getting intense and you would do anything to not be tagged, people were shouting other people's names so they would not get tagged and have to freeze in place. One girl screamed "Hailey!" So naturally, I turned around rapidly to make sure I was safe. As I was squatting by the top of the slide, I turned back around to see if I was all clear to slide down and conquer the gigantic slide. As I turned I hit a metal rod that busted my face right below my nose. I passed out due to the impact and because I saw my own blood. When I passed out I unintentionally slid down the slide and woke up to two girls finding me with blood all over what used to me my nice and new crisp white school shirt. I really do not know how long I was passed out for but I just remember going to the office using two girls as crutches. As I got to the office the nurse immediately called my parents to come get me. I was scared out of my mind, I thought I was going to get stitches. My mom came to pick me up from school and brought me to the redi-med and they said they do not treat faces. The next resort was the emergency room where I sat in the waiting room for four whole hours. In the waiting room I made some friends one of them was a war veteran who got one of his toes shot off at war and he was in the waiting room for his wife who has consistent heart pain. Sooner or later, I was called back and the doctor put skin glue over my deep cut because apparently doctors do not favor stitches in the face. I literally took ten minutes to apply the yellow skin glue when I suffered bloodshed for over five hours. When I went home everything was normal, except the skin the doctor glued was yellow for a week, so that was the story about the time I hit my face on a metal rod by playing a friendly game of freeze tag. From that moment on I have vowed to never play freeze tag or go down that slide ever again.

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