Local High School suffers from Unfocused Students | Teen Ink

Local High School suffers from Unfocused Students

April 6, 2011
By BrittanyM. GOLD, Mount Vernon, New York
BrittanyM. GOLD, Mount Vernon, New York
19 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Today’s generation of children have to be vigilant when it comes to their education. It’s a foundation in which determines whether you succeed or fail, in life because seeing how the economy is unstable, simply street smarts isn’t going find you a job, take care of your necessities, or struggles(Unless you belong to a prestigious family.)

The most important road, abruptly starts in high school. And even the level of difficulty is changing in that territory. High school cannot be considered today as an easy cake walk, when it comes to classes, and grades and ultimately your future. There are many students competing for the top score, the top grades, being number one at subjects they set their minds to. One slight mess up, in a semester can lead to major damage on your grade point average, therefore harming your chances at Valedictorian.

And if you think that is detrimental, coming from a school where academic excellence is deemed as one thing less to worry about comparing to daily turmoil, and violence that is what students face at my high school.

“Top grades, are not paid attention to, it’s the bad things that are more interesting to them.”

These ideas are perceived most greatly through the eyes of my school's own Junior, (currently a member of the National Honor Society for two consecutive years no), and who’s name remains anonymous, due to social preferences.

“Ignorant classmates,” was a redundant term used by the student to describe the children at our school.
“I feel that they have no respect for teachers, as if they had not been raised up properly in their homes.” When asked why these students ‘lack manners,’ the excited teenager answered “Because they are future convicts of Westchester.”
A list of other questions have been administered to the young teen. At which were answered very honestly.

Q: Do you feel safe?
A: A little maybe

Q: How are courses taught at your school?
A: The standards are lowered and I feel as if lessons are not taught to full capacity. I find myself visiting Borders just to gather up more material to expand my learning.

Q: How does the low standards of the education system tamper with the grades you receive?
A: Even though I am a relatively smart student some of the grades that I receive I don’t think I earn because, the work is completely watered down, so students can pass, and move on the next grade.

Based on this teenager’s enthusiasm on this reoccurring issue happening at HS, a chain reaction began to transpire. More and more students are beginning to act up, leaving the attention to be left solely on them, and not of the few academic star pupils. What a dilemma that has occurred on this small town of Mount Vernon?

Academia is not seen first, its only concerned by the minority of the students. The ones who want to succeed and make it on to prestigious colleges, or those who just want to get away from this hazardous environment. The Junior that was previously interviewed was asked what college he was thinking of attending. With a smile, the student answered “Columbia University.” The question was then asked why was there a smirk?

And somberly, the student answered saying “I don’t think this High School has prepared me for that.”


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 18 2011 at 5:58 pm
sincerely_anna BRONZE, Lakeville, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love takes up where knowledge leaves off." -Sir Thomas Aquinas

Very interesting article. I agree with you on many points. This year, I am taking a gap year in between high school and college to work for City Year, a national non-profit that aims to decrease the high school dropout rate. To read about my experiences, go to my profile and read the article, 'I Want To Go Home, But I Can't".