The Dreamer | Teen Ink

The Dreamer

November 15, 2010
By Ladyluv BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Ladyluv BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My dad... What do I think of him? Honestly I think of him as the best dad in the world! But if you ask me I think of him mainly as the dreamer. He has inspired a-lot of our family to never give up on their dreams and this is why.

My dad wanted to have his own business ever since he was little, he always wanted to have his own business and he knew one day he was going to succeed. Well that day was this summer in July. He started a cell phone store. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew never giving up will put him in a good spot in life.

My dad was always talking about how he wanted to start his own job, he’d always tell me how he was going to succeed. He told me how he was never going to give up and that’s how he got where he is today. During the time that he got his job started he would stay at work. My dad was so happy with his job he never wanted to stop. I always thought that he would never give up his dream. I found out that he did almost give up his dream a week or so before he got the store up and going. I didn’t know that was the reason for him barley speaking within that time, he told me how hard it was for him to find a building to rent within his budget. My dad looked at about 6 stores a day, but he never found the right one. About two months into his search he found one that was just in the range of where we lived and that was in his budget. I’m pretty sure he jumped up and down, and screamed like a girl who just got the guy she wanted for the dance.

I look up to my dad, not only because he’s my father but because he had a special message that I couldn’t figure out until today. My dad’s message is that if you have a dream in life and you want to complete it, go for it! But most importantly it’s to never give up on what you believe in. My dad’s store is very successful. His dream still goes on and he is finding ways to make it better I look up to him today as the dreamer. He dreamed, and his wishes came true. I dream, and I don’t give up. I dream, and my wishes come true too....

The author's comments:
This peice is about how my dad was and is so inspiring.


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