The Life as a soldier | Teen Ink

The Life as a soldier

December 22, 2009
By kaitlyn1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kaitlyn1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People look up to him and call him our hero; others may call him Doc Morris. He is a hero for fighting for our country and Doc for being a medic in the army. Straight out of High School he signed up for four years in the Army. He got the idea of doing this from his sister, who recently returned from the army. He never thought that it would be like this, challenging and impatient to go home. Working nonstop for the past three years of his life, right after High School, is what he got himself into.
Never knowing what his next duty will be day after day gets annoying he says. The worst part of his “job” is “So much sitting around and waiting,” he says. The motto should be “Hurry up, and wait,” he said. Every other day him and his 24 other men in his platoon go on missions were they travel from twenty minutes away to eight hours away. They bring men to the main post office to send out love letters to their loved ones and eager to receive one.
The days are getting longer and his duties are getting exhausting. He explained that most of the missions that his men go on are pointless and doesn’t understand why ALL the men have to go for just his CO (commander) to talk to the Iraqi interpreters.
“The commander is nuts!” He said
In a year and a half he will be going to El Paso, Texas which he will be done with the sand storms, going on his pointless missions, getting yelled at from his Commander, and getting other than 4 hours of sleep a night.
Throughout his three years of being in the army, and going into it, he knew it would be beneficial. He wanted to fight for his country and be able to say that he was an Army soldier. From before to now, he has seen the difference in himself as an individual.
“I finally know what I want to be life after the army,” he said.
The army was the best thing for him to change, since now he is more organized and he knows that this was the only way that he could be who he wanted to be in the end.

The author's comments:
I interviewed my boyfriend for this piece.


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