Dear Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Dear Vietnam Veteran

March 12, 2018
By 8janssen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
8janssen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I would first like to welcome you home. It’s been a long and challenging experience you have arrived home from. I wanted you to know how highly appreciated you are for your continuous effort to return home successful after war.

As a senior, it’s hard to imagine how one, at the same age as me, could go off to war and leave everything you know behind. Coming to a near graduation date and college being months away; to give up family, college, and friends seems unbearable and unreasonable. The fact that you were able to leave one of the most important times of your life behind to go fight in war is impeccably amazing and respected.

My parents have suggested getting involved in the air force to help with college payments. At this age I’ve finally realized that not all individuals enter the army, marines, air force, and navy out of interest, but because they might feel obligated to or have to. This makes me a very curious student to know why each committed member had joined the forces. What makes someone decide to go into war and combat?  

Additionally, I love listening to others speak of their own experiences, life changing or not. In this case, I’m curious about the war and battle fields, the environment, food, and ability to stay strong and continue fighting. Have you been able to cope with the knowledge that the war had happened and you were a part of it?

I can’t even begin to imagine the sensitivity you felt when arriving home for the first time. The relief and joy that you must have felt being able to finally reunite with family and friends, and the uncertainty of how they would react after such a long time since last seeing them. Being able to go home knowing you must go back to a normal routined lifestyle and attempt to leave behind the fear of someone trying to harm you goes unrecognized by most but is unbelievably courageous. I thank you for everything you have had to overcome throughout this difficult journey.

I believe stories should be told, shared, and passed on. I know many students who are curious about war and what is endured by those who participate. Most individuals are unaware of all the training and procedures taken before entering and don’t realize the things accomplished. Being an individual who has entered and survived combat should be praised continuously throughout life. You have done so much for this country that needs to be recognized by those who gained the benefits you have fought to win for them.

I would like to emphasize how greatly appreciated you are. You have risked your life and sacrificing many things to fight for a country which would not be standing as strong without your efforts. American citizens are in unpayable debt for what you have fought for and given us. I thank you for the time you and your servicemen and women have given and the challenges encountered along the way. You are a huge inspiration and encouragement to the people of the United States and I would just like to say, welcome home.

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