Letter to a Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Vietnam Veteran

May 2, 2019
By ckiepert BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
ckiepert BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam veteran,

I am writing this letter to you because you are one of the most brave and strongest people. My name is Colton K. and I am a student in high school. In my creative writing class we learned all about the Honor Flight and I think it is an amazing thing to do for  veterans. I hope you enjoyed the trip to D.C. and the touring. Personally I do not know any veterans and have not actually had a conversation with one, but I would love to be able to communicate with a veteran. That is one reason why I am writing this letter. I am also writing this because veterans are the true heroes and don’t get all the credit they deserve for risking their lives for their country. I know this is true when you first came back from Vietnam because of all the people protesting the Vietnam war you did not get a proper welcome home.

I could not imagine being a seventeen or eighteen year old kid fighting for my life. This is why I look up to veterans like yourself and I feel that it is unfair the way you were treated when coming back home by our own people. I have to say thank you for your service and risking your life for your country. I also want to say welcome home because of the terrible welcome you got after the war.

I don't doubt that you have hundreds of stories to tell and your experience at the time. I personally would love to hear about your journey before, during, and after the war and how it affected you as a person. If you wrote back it would mean the world to me.

Welcome Home



Colton K.

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