Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

May 2, 2019
By Anonymous

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

When coming back from the war, back from something that was difficult for you to experience, you were treated poorly by many people from the place you call home, and maybe even by close friends.  You were not given the respect you deserve.  Everyone that participated in the war had different reasons as to why they did, but what matters is that you tried your best when fighting and staying strong throughout all of the hardships.  

My name is Marissa and I am a junior in high school.  After high school, I would like to go to college and become an accountant or maybe a financial advisor.  The thought of high school ending in about a year scares me, but I can’t imagine how scared you must have been when the time came for you to go to war and fight.  All of the different scenarios playing through your head as to what could happen, and the anxiety and fear of the unknowns at such a young age, but it truly shows how strong you are, and all of the courage and bravery you have.  

In class, we watched the Honor Flights movie, and it really opened my eyes.  It’s wonderful what they do for you to show appreciation.  I never really thought about the people that have fought in the wars, but this helped realize how much you have done and the motivation you had to do your best and to keep moving.  I’ve never been to the memorials, but after seeing the movie, I would really love to see them!

I want to give you a proper welcome home and express that I am ever so thankful for your service, and strong will to keep moving, to not give up.  Thank you for fighting and giving your all throughout every obstacle you had to overcome.  What matters most is you gave your all and survived.  You are appreciated and loved by many.  Thank you for your service and welcome home!





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