Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 7, 2019
By singedcracker SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
singedcracker SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

When I was a junior in high school, I had the opportunity to travel to China for almost two weeks for a school trip. During my time in China, there were multiple occasions where I was reminded that the freedom of speech and so many other liberties I had in America were stripped away from me as soon as I landed in the Beijing airport. This experience opened my eyes to how lucky I am to live in America and how truly grateful I am to men and women like yourself who sacrificed so much for this country, and I can’t thank you enough for your service.

I took my freedoms and liberties for granted before I traveled to China and experienced what it was like to live without those freedoms. Even though I was only there for ten days, I definitely felt an impact in having to consciously think about my words and actions and make sure I didn’t make a mistake and say anything against the government or the people of China. This is a stark contrast to America where you have the ability and freedom to say whatever you want about anything you want. It’s because of people like you that I have that freedom, and without you, America would not be the amazing country that it is today. Thank you for your sacrifice to protect this country.

I am a senior in high school now, and am preparing for college and the next chapter of my life. However, when you were my age, you were preparing to go into service. I cannot imagine the strength, courage, and toughness you must have had to enlist in the armed forces at my age. Giving up your time and a portion of your life to serve our great country means so much to me, and I am eternally grateful for your service to protect the United States of America.


Jared P.

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