Mr. Rechle | Teen Ink

Mr. Rechle

March 11, 2010
By maxluellwitz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
maxluellwitz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“If you don’t hand me your Document-based question by Monday you will spend your life as the milkshake man at Burger King that is working there not to pay for college or starting your career but you can’t do anything else.” That is Mr. Reichle’s way of motivating people, sarcastically telling them how the rest of their life will change dramatically for the worse if they don’t do their homework. Mr. Reichle is sarcastic and hilarious. Mr. Reichle likes to spend the beginning of his class telling ridiculous stories like how he thinks his son looks like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings or talk about how old foreign exchanges students come back to America just to give him gifts and say hello.

Mr. Reichle always makes class interesting and fun everyday. He likes to use internet tools like blabberize to get the point across in a hilarious way. He makes sure that no one struggles through his class or as he likes to call it, No Child Left Behind. On the first day of school he guaranteed everyone in the class an A or B grade. To do this if you ever get anything lower than a B on a paper or test you have to do multiple choice packets and get a certain number correct depending on your first grade to get a B.

Mr. Reichle is a wonderful teacher who always makes history class fun by either having our class reenact a historical event, finding some goofy internet tool to explain it to the class or telling a story that doesn’t relate but helps get the point across. I have had a wonderful time in his class and have learned a lot and feel very confident about taking the AP European test in May.

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