suffering for the Azeri | Teen Ink

suffering for the Azeri

February 3, 2008
By Anonymous

The genocide period from 1988 to 1994 was a terrible time of suffering for the Azeri of Azerbaijan. Many do not know of the acts of genocide committed on the Azeri, but we should never forget.

The immigration of the Armenians to the Azerbaijan territories started the mass killing of the Azeri. After WWI with the help of the Russians, the Armenians invaded the vicinity. After plenty of Armenians settled in the area, the idea of “The Great Armenia” struck the minds of many. They wanted to cleanse the region of the Azeri to create the Armenia of their dreams.

To ensure this “Great Armenia” the Armenians massacred the Azeri who did not willingly move out of their native soil. The Azeri hadn’t done anything to bother the Armenians yet they still were slaughtered. Azeri were killed for one reason, they lived in their homeland.

The millions and millions of Azeri died for what? The most recognition of the events occurring was on the March 1918 massacre. The council of ministers from the Azerbaijan national republic issued a degree to establish an investigation on the tragic events. All that resulted is they stated this was indeed genocide.

After all the events occurred it is almost impossible to forget those sad and depressing times. Everyone ought to know about this genocide. A genocide that started with the Armenians immigrating to Azerbaijan that became so massive is the one that we have never heard about. To read more about this genocide go to

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