Waiting | Teen Ink

Waiting MAG

May 13, 2008
By Anonymous

He said we would finish our conversation “tomorrow or at least sometime soon,” but yesterday was “tomorrow” and today is 34 minutes shy of being over. I know this because I spent my day watching my laptop’s digital clock, tracking the infuriating progress of numbers.

I slam the computer shut, furious at my pathetic display and furious at him for putting me in the position of such weakness. I immediately re-open the laptop with gentle hands reminiscent of an abusive lover’s apologetic caress the moment after a strike. Disgusted with myself, I press the power button.

No new messages.

The disgust is lost in a new wave of pain, a constant ache made all the more intense with the knowledge that I brought this on myself. The relief of freedom ended the moment ­reality set in, forcing me to realize the consequences of pushing him out of my life. I broke my own heart by leaving the one person with the pieces to put it back together.

Today becomes tomorrow, and I climb under the covers. I’m reassured into unconsciousness by the alert bell – set to notify me of any new messages.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Dec. 9 2008 at 3:32 am
This made me feel like i was reading a great book, that i couldnt put down. i read it, and reread it. it is very easy to connect to, and it makes me want to read the rest of the story...:)

on Nov. 28 2008 at 10:31 pm
I really liked this. When I finished reading, I wanted to know who "he" was and why he did not show up. This makes me want to make up the rest of the story and imagine what could have happened to him or what happened after "tomorrow". Very creative! :D

I wish I can write like you.

lala127 said...
on Nov. 20 2008 at 1:55 am
i liked this one, very interesting. reminds me of myself. =] it really makes you think. =] good job