Why Homework Is Bad | Teen Ink

Why Homework Is Bad

December 15, 2017

Is homework beneficial? some would say yes, just because they had to do it. others who have high IQs and have PhDs say that 2-4 hours of homework is beneficial. that might help some students learn, but they are "above average" and want to be challenged, they "live to learn". Other students who are "average" and "live to work" have plenty of time to learn what they need to learn in school. Most students have extra circular activities after school and work. That plus 7 hours of school a day plus 2-4 hours of homework a day plus having a social life plus trying to get 8 hours of sleep every day equals to much stress and not enough time.

My English teacher said that homework is beneficial, but she got all of her info from people who have spent their whole lives learning and don't have a social life. It's a proven fact that the more kids socialize the more successful they will be in life. It's sad to think that teaches would take away kids potential just because they want them to learn a math equation that they will only use once on the final exam.

Homework is just busy work. We spend 7 houra a day learning why should we waist 4 more hours doing stuff we already know how to do and will never use. Kids will only use 10% of the things learned in school, so why should we waist out time doing pre calculus or chemistry if we will never use it.

In conclusion kids spend to much time doing school and not enough time with family and friends.

The author's comments:

My English teacher tried telling us that homework is beneficial

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