Choosing Happiness | Teen Ink

Choosing Happiness

April 1, 2016
By Rubysachs BRONZE, Shoreline, Washington
Rubysachs BRONZE, Shoreline, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes, it's easy to feel like the odds are stacked against you and that the universe wants nothing less than to see you suffer. But that just isn't the truth. The universe is not vengeful or angry and it certainly doesn't want you to suffer. It doesn't want anything, actually. However, there are days or weeks or months, perhaps even years, when this might not seem to be the case. When things that do not match what we want are happening, and life becomes a game of survival and getting through the day instead of simply existing and dealing with things as they come. And that is really no way to live. In fact, it's not living at all. It's just unconsciously passing through the days until you reach the weekend or vacation or maybe, unfortunately, until you die. Is that how we should spend our lives? Our miraculous lives that are  absolutely brimming with wonderful things? There's no need to wait for all the stars to be aligned before you allow yourself to be happy and start simply existing in the world as yourself. Seriously, you're the only you that has ever existed and the only you that will ever exist again, so why not just let yourself do whatever brings you joy? Instead of searching for some outside force to give you permission to start living fully, allow yourself to be content with who you are and your place in the world. There is not a single thing outside of your very own soul that will give you validation. Not material things, not a job, and not another person. Maybe those things will make you feel good for a while, but their impact will be brief. Every single person on earth is completely capable and completely deserving of enjoying their life (including you!). There is no need to wait for anything in order to allow yourself to be happy, because truthfully, you'll find yourself waiting your entire life. Right now, this moment, you can be happy.

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