Cyber Security | Teen Ink

Cyber Security

March 11, 2016
By IsaackMira BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
IsaackMira BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

‘’Yes this little girl just posted her address on Facebook, I think I’ll go to her house,’’ is what a person on the internet could say. I’m writing about how to protect yourself online.

One way to protect yourself on the internet, is to never share your address, phone number, email, or any personal info, because bad people can go to your house and kill you. An example is when I was on Instagram and I saw this girl that posted where she lived and what place she was in at the time, and the next day the guy went to her house and tried to kill her but he didn’t, she had some leg injuries.

Another way to protect yourself is to never talk to a person that is older than you because they can be pedophiles. If you have an Instagram, face book, or twitter make sure that it is private or that it’s blocked from people you don’t like. Another example is when my friend was on face book, an older woman commented on his photo, she asked him how old he was, where he lived, and if his parents were home. He got really scared so he went downstairs and told his parents, so his parents called the cops and the lady got arrested.

‘’Those are some ways on how you can protect yourself online, make sure to remember when you are in the internet is to never share your personal info.

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