Lost in Love | Teen Ink

Lost in Love

March 8, 2015
By CassidyWalsh SILVER, Big Lake, Minnesota
CassidyWalsh SILVER, Big Lake, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being in love is fun?  Sure, it can be if you’re actually worthy of love, let alone lovable.  It’s not a joy when you’re not hot, your hair is never right, or you don’t have the body of a Barbie Doll.  It’s not fun.  In fact, it sucks.  Being in love with someone is heaven, regretting loving them is hell.  To regret loving someone or something is so hard because love is the most powerful force known to man.  You can’t control who you fall for or how hard you fall, but boy, let me tell you this: when you fall in love, it’s life or death because you can lose it all or gain the world.  And if you find your soulmate, your other half, the one you’ve spent your life searching for, congratulations and kudos to you, but if you don’t, I’m so sorry.  I don’t know why some people get lost like this, but there isn’t a map in this world that will get you back on track, because, sadly, you fell in love and somewhere along the way, the one you love forgot to love you back.

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