Justin Bieber vs. David Archuleta: Who is a better role model? | Teen Ink

Justin Bieber vs. David Archuleta: Who is a better role model?

November 30, 2010
By Palrice8 PLATINUM, Lynn, Massachusetts
Palrice8 PLATINUM, Lynn, Massachusetts
48 articles 4 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Face the downs and be grateful for the ups." - David Archuleta

There’s two guys in the music world who have gotten a lot of hype over the past few years. David Archuleta and Justin Bieber, both once living a normal life, quickly shot to fame almost out of no where. David Archuleta was runner-up on the seventh season of American Idol and has three high-ranking studio albums. Justin Bieber was a youtube sensation discovered by Usher, now a music sensation. They both have huge fan bases with their many albums, tours, and both even have best selling books. Now, if you asked the Beliebers which one of them is the better musician, they’d say Justin. And if you asked the Arch Angels, they’d without a doubt say David. Though they both really can’t be compared with their music, they can with their heroism.

Not too long ago, Justin Bieber was just an ordinary guy, making youtube videos of him singing and playing the guitar. Never did he think he’d end up where he is today, with such a strong following from his fans. But does their following go anywhere past his music? Though Justin worked hard to get where he is, and he donates to charities and has his new inspirational song “Pray”, has he ever done anything that really hit people hard and made them admire him? Though he’s done all of valuable things, it’s been known that he also acts out, swears, and possibly even punched a boy in the face. Do his good qualities even out with his faults?

David Archuleta was too just an ordinary guy with little confidence and no self-esteem, but a love for singing. When he finally did have enough self-assurance to actually try and work on music, he was diagnosed with vocal paralysis. He had felt like music was just a thing of the past, it was that one piece missing from him, until one day, he felt a strong, “unexplainable” feeling to audition for American Idol, and that’s how he got where he is today. David worked hard all throughout his life to get where he is, doing numerous singing competitions while battling his strong hatred for his voice. But that didn’t stop him. David is the perfect example of working hard and achieving your dreams. Not to mention the numerous charities he’s involved with, plus his unshakable faith and strong positivity, which he tries to share with people so that they too can achieve their goals in life and be happy. David’s influential music and motivational quotes make him an inspiration to many people, which is why David has such a devoted fan base.

So to answer the question “Who is a better role model?”, I think it’s pretty obvious that the answer is David. David has done a lot more for people than just flipping his hair. He’s truly inspired people to do what’s right with the strong impact he’s had. Though you can admire some of Justin’s qualities, there’s a lot more about David that makes him a true role model, and even a hero in his fans’ eyes.

The author's comments:
This is me trying to be as unbiased as I can and let people know which one is a better role model. I can't help it if my favorite wins ;)

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This article has 89 comments.

on Sep. 16 2013 at 3:14 pm
juliacoccaro SILVER, Spanish Fort, Alabama
5 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'd sell you to Satan for one corn chip."

Like other users have said, while I somewhat agree with your outlook on the two teens, I also think that you need to cut Justin some slack. I'm not a big fan of him myself, but just because he's famous and a supposed "role-model" doesn;t mean it's blasphemy for him to swear. Even though David Archuleta may not have acted like that at that age, that may just be him. Justin is a different person, clearly with a more outspoken and vibrant personality. However, as far as personality goes, I don't think it's quite fair to compare them in that aspect, either. You write extremely well, but I think that being unbiased should be more of a priority for future articles/opinion pieces.

mrs.bieber said...
on Apr. 26 2013 at 10:22 am
okay david has his faults too and i notice how you only listen about justiins charities and then all of the bad things...and then you listed all of davids good things...its obvious justin is a WAY better role model!!!

mem0ofdesire said...
on Nov. 24 2012 at 5:33 pm
hey everyone...sorry i'm coming a lil bit late...well it was David....He is Handsome,Gorgeus,n Amazing....the business had put him away from people...just think it if people all around the world are open up 'bout his latest stuff~everyday!..i'm sure everyone would gone bluff..he's amazing..just not notice as much..i just don't get it why people so scared to approve that  he had such GOOD LOOKING,,infectious smile n blablabla just because of he was gazillion miles away from Justin Fame! well done for people who think that Justin had more days to go to become a somebody,who is kind,who is a charity boy,who is a helper,an entertainer...btw,,i didn't see it anyway...he just another autotune boy industry... i swear,give me his songs n music n let me sing that..i'll totally become amazing than HE IS in that youtube (:  ...it's easy...you want a natural voice or make over voice..dare?? answer me then hahhahaah.....at the end you will know who'sbetter..now you just judging here n there...look!! what kind of attitude could you see from Justin now it's 2012 n he is 18....well David had stepped up here in Hollywood as he was 17...who get the better attitude....??? hahah??? well if you said that Justin could do more in future,where's the proof?? have you seen any hint or clue OR it was just in yr dream... n plus he can't give our little kids a good influences((never on his reality or his video,it was all kiss,half naked girl,inappropriate behaviour n you can name the rest))...attitude couldn't be polish it takes time i know that...but attitude in David is a gift..it is natural n it is not an ACT..tell me how can you survive in front of the people in 4 years just wanna look such an amazing character....you won't dare...so no game of swear here...you put it on a wrong place dude... yeah we don't know who is David Archuleta certainly,,,, but God had given us eye so why don't we open up our eyes and take a look surrounding us carefully.... and God had given us ear so LISTEN... if i were in Justin shoes,got that sounds,music flows and lyrics...i'm gonna make tons of dollar everyday,see that~ a manipulation of business is taking over you right there...huhhuhuhu....don't judge David if you had never knew him or at leasts never take time for his update...cuz you know nothing okay......he makes music through his voice and he does not make sounds to cope w/his voice which is what do singer does nowadays...just to catch up an attention of their views,comment,money n fame..WTF!! i also could do that..really ......uhhhh sorry guys but whatever i said i will never had any intention to change yr minds for whoever you're admire to...i'm just giving my professional point of views in my own perspective... and last one..urmm David is Handsome,Amazing Soothing Vanilla Voice,One of a Kind Ever...... but...it just that his bussines doesn't do well~yet....his luck may come after..just pray for him the best..happy always and never going down........ if God gives you this whole world BUT yet you can't feel any satisfaction.... the glory iself couldn't help you.... started your day w/ a good heart and smile....All is Well....

on Oct. 21 2012 at 3:50 am
It's known that cash can make people independent. But what to do if someone has no money? The only one way is to get the mortgage loans and just student loan.

on Oct. 19 2012 at 10:38 pm
stupendousman BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
2 articles 13 photos 182 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, guys, if there's no wind, there's nothing to blow the leaves around." - from "Sons of Provo"
"Tough times never last, but tough people do"
"the best things in life aren't things"

except you found it 4 months ago....

on Oct. 19 2012 at 10:37 pm
stupendousman BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
2 articles 13 photos 182 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, guys, if there's no wind, there's nothing to blow the leaves around." - from "Sons of Provo"
"Tough times never last, but tough people do"
"the best things in life aren't things"

hi. interesting how we both found this article.

on Oct. 14 2012 at 1:53 pm
theatregirl PLATINUM, Lathrup Village, Michigan
30 articles 12 photos 209 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To thine own self be true," -from Hamlet, a play by Shakespeare.
"I have sworn on the altar of god eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson

ps. while both david and justin bas singer, justin is by fair a better vocalist and artist

on Oct. 14 2012 at 1:52 pm
theatregirl PLATINUM, Lathrup Village, Michigan
30 articles 12 photos 209 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To thine own self be true," -from Hamlet, a play by Shakespeare.
"I have sworn on the altar of god eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson

and am suprise this article got 81 comment, but same time, i realize is a website called "teen" ink, key world being teen.

violet4ever said...
on Aug. 20 2012 at 1:12 pm
Just want to add - David Archuleta started a 2-year church mission March 28 2012 but he recorded two new cover albums in the weeks before he left and both are now available. Forevermore is beautiful classic Philippines love songs (one is not in English) - you can find the album at WOWHD and the music videos in his theofficialarchuleta Youtube channel.  The other is the US album BEGIN and that's available for order at all the usual webstores and iTunes.  His twitter is DavidArchie - he's not allowed to tweet from his mission so his manager Kari is doing the updates and she includes bits from David's mission emails. His official website is a great place to catch up on everything including the Philippines series he starred in, Nandito Ako.  I love forward to David's return to his career.

on Jun. 22 2012 at 1:34 pm
luv2bLDS BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe us when we say that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough.

David is also a Mormon, which explains why he has higher standards than justin. just thought I would point that out. :)

on Jun. 22 2012 at 1:34 pm
luv2bLDS BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe us when we say that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough.

David is also a Mormon, which explains why he has higher standards than justin. just thought I would point that out. :)

on Jun. 22 2012 at 1:30 pm
luv2bLDS BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe us when we say that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough.

I love David! He's so inspiring! Great article!

morghio said...
on May. 15 2012 at 9:09 am
I think this article is very one sided for david. You never hear about him, justin bieber is everywhere, and he does a lot of things for a lot of people. Hes a teenager, what sort of teenager doesnt swear, just because hes famous doesnt mean hes perfect? Justin Bieber has so much to offer, and hes my number one role model, he has a charity, he did a christmas album and took nothing from that. Every single dollar made from that album went to help families for christmas. He spent countless hours in a studio just to be able to donate it all back. He also just did a mothers day song, dedicated it to his mother, and then took every bit of proceeds and sent it to single mothers, if thats not loving, and caring, and trying his hardest to share support - i dont know what is. Sure david did a lot of things, but never things like this. Justin bieber is my role model, and next time an article is written maybe the author shouldnt be so one sided. All you did was state everything posibly wrong with justin, and everything to guilt you in to feeling bad for david. Just my opinion.

on Jul. 22 2011 at 1:18 pm
Palrice8 PLATINUM, Lynn, Massachusetts
48 articles 4 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Face the downs and be grateful for the ups." - David Archuleta

Well I'm not sure, maybe it's just the kind of person he is. I don't know really. 

on Jul. 22 2011 at 12:20 pm
CookieMonsterAttacks SILVER, Grand Rapids, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I called you a lady, 'cause you're fat!" ~ Gracie G.

Why do you think he acts like that?

on Jul. 21 2011 at 12:59 pm
Palrice8 PLATINUM, Lynn, Massachusetts
48 articles 4 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Face the downs and be grateful for the ups." - David Archuleta

I did hear about that. lol 

on Jul. 21 2011 at 8:15 am
CookieMonsterAttacks SILVER, Grand Rapids, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I called you a lady, 'cause you're fat!" ~ Gracie G.

Yeah, I think your right. Did you know that Justin Bieber was called a brat by one of the CSI cast members when he was a guest star?

on Jul. 10 2011 at 3:39 pm
Palrice8 PLATINUM, Lynn, Massachusetts
48 articles 4 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Face the downs and be grateful for the ups." - David Archuleta

When David was Bieber's age he didn't act the way Bieber does. David knew enough not to and genuinely wouldn't. Bieber should know he's considered a "role model" and should want to be a good infulence like David does.

I don't care for Bieber but I wrote this respectfully enough where I didn't actually insult him. I did give him credit with chairties and things like that, but from what I've seen I think David has had way more of a positive impact on people, and that was my point in this article. Not necessarily to direct hate towards Bieber, but to direct some love towards David.

on Jul. 10 2011 at 12:35 pm
CookieMonsterAttacks SILVER, Grand Rapids, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I called you a lady, 'cause you're fat!" ~ Gracie G.

I have to agree that David is much more of a role model. But...Justin Bieber's just acting his age. I think you should give him some credit.

Archiangl said...
on Jun. 30 2011 at 12:31 am
I think david is a great role model he seems very nice and he isvertalented.he inspires me and changed my life and ways of thinking completly .he has tought me valuable things and through out his book i learned a lot of new things as well .i can never stop listening to his music im glad he wants to go his own way with music !i hope he is doing well bye!:)