Why I Have No Friends | Teen Ink

Why I Have No Friends

November 6, 2010
By Anonymous

Just kidding, I've got a few. Their names are EA's The Sims 3 and Netflix movies. Every weekend I hear the blubber and buzz about what people's weekends are like. Some are going camping with their families! To bad I hate the outdoors. Other girls are going shopping and then a sleepover and then shopping again! Too bad I'd rather go camping.
I have such a variety of classes with different people of different personalities, tastes and cliques, that every Monday I am forced to listen to the whine and drone of someone's wacky weekend adventures.

I am invited about no where and see about no one over my weekend. But the thing is, I am okay with it. I'll never understand camping or horseback ridding, but I will understand what it's like to be alone. I know what it is also like to have friends too, I've been to surprise parties, afternoons at the mall and fun beach escapades.

My week involves bounding from lunch table to table, with all the different 'pals' in each clique. My week is a constant homework doing and friend-who-is-a-boy texting that by the time the weekend rolls around, I'm ready to be free of the immature group of children called my peers.

By Sunday though, I'm back in action. I'm superwoman bounding at the speed of sound from table group to outside sitters all the way to my 'friends' in the library. I'm the type of person who gives a good laugh and a nice chuckle, and I'll see you in a few days, maybe I'll smile at you in the halls, but it doesn't really matter. It does not really matter what I do, it only matters that what ever clique or group or street gang you may be in, I'll see you once or twice but we won't be friends.

Which is why when Saturday morning rolls around like a steam roller, I'll be on the computer. So what ever gang, or group you are in, do not be afraid to give any person like me a call. Because the people like me will be waiting for something nice like that. Even if its an invitation to go camping.

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This article has 1 comment.

tsl2013 BRONZE said...
on Jun. 28 2012 at 9:30 pm
tsl2013 BRONZE, Breakfast, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 35 comments
For a second I thought you had stalked me for a couple of weeks and wrote a review about me. This is MY life down to the smallest detail (absolutely LOVE movies and the sims 3). I mean I have a couple of extra friends I hang out with on the weekends to give my computer a break and experience a bit of high school but I spend a lot of time at school, work, or in my room being alone with mediocre activity. Though, I'm not that lonely. Great article!