the gift of kindness | Teen Ink

the gift of kindness

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

Kindness, like other good traits, can't be wrapped like traditional items or gifts. However, being kind to someone can be one of the best gifts you can give. It can make someone's day go from bad to good and help make the people around you more positive and happy. When we extend kindness, we exalt generosity not just in ourselves but in others as well. By making an effort to show kindness, we can beguile even the most challenging individuals, turning their frowns into smiles.

Imagine the joy that you feel after receiving an act of kindness from someone; it's a feeling that cannot be matched. Unlike material possessions, which can be limited and temporary, the gift of kindness is limitless and can be given freely without discretion. Kindness spreads like wildfire, and through simple acts of kindness, we can create a ripple effect that influences not only those we directly interact with but also those who witness these acts. This creates a cycle of positivity that can affect an entire community. Kindness has the ability to turn the bad into good, making every interaction a potential moment to make someone's day better.

The act of kindness is not reserved for the wise or wishful. Even a novice can make a significant impact through kindness. Every small act, whether it’s a smile, a compliment, or a helping hand, contributes to a bigger picture of compassion and generosity. When we choose to be kind, we reject malice and embrace a better way of living. Kindness can be a beacon of light in a world that often seems dark and cruel. It's a gift that keeps on giving, encouraging others to pass it on and continue the cycle. In conclusion, kindness is an invaluable gift that creates joy, positivity, and a sense of community, proving that the simplest gestures can have the most profound effects.

The author's comments:

i wrote this for a school project  

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