Why "13 Reasons Why" Fails | Teen Ink

Why "13 Reasons Why" Fails

September 13, 2017
By Grecia.Felix16 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Grecia.Felix16 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Within the article of "Why "13 Reasons Why" Fails," Ellis Donaghey goes on to explain how the show, which is meant to bring awareness to suicide and mental illness, does exactly the opposite. I completely agree with Donaghey and her statements about the show. Although the show does revolve around Hannah Baker's suicide it does not mention any signs of mental illness The show was supposed to bring into light mental illness yet it "romanticizes and dramatizes suicide" taking away the soul purpose of the show. Within the show sexual assault,self harm, and suicide are depicted but there is no hotlines or webs provided to the audience in order for them to reach out for help. We live in a society where mental illness does not want to be talked about about because it is not something that can be treated like a physical illness therefore it is something that is out of our control. But no matter how much people try and deny mental illness, it is real and it is scary which is why it needs to be talked about without it being sugar coated. It will allow people to acknowledge how dangerous and important mental illness is and it's not something to be taken lightly because those dealing with fee like something is wrong with them because they can not control it.

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