I'm Afraid of Movies | Teen Ink

I'm Afraid of Movies

December 2, 2015
By GavinBerner SILVER, Defiand, Ohio
GavinBerner SILVER, Defiand, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing titled “I’m Afraid of the Movies” written by Emily T. she talks about how movie theaters have changed over the years.  At first she talks about how the first time she ever went to the movie theater it was colorful, everyone was laughing, the smell popcorn was in the air, and it was fun to be there.  But now that she is an adult every time she takes her younger siblings and family members to a movie she can’t enjoy until they are sitting down because of the fear of a gunman.   She is always thinking about where she will hide the kids if there is a gunman or what she will do if there is a person with a gun.  I agree with Emily because when I go out to busy places I always have that thought of what I’m going to do if someone tries to shoot a gun.  In my head because everything that happens in the world my eyes are always on alert.

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