Response to Streetlights and Stars | Teen Ink

Response to Streetlights and Stars

October 26, 2015
By OfficeAssistant BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
OfficeAssistant BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I thought the article “Streetlights and Stars” was well written by Patience K. As I read through the article I noticed I wasn’t able to just stop reading it and move on even though it was short. Something about the article wanted me to finish it to see what happen with the author and the other person, but that question was never really answered I don’t really mind. I liked how the author used imagery to show the other person and the readers how different the author and the other person was. “You sported khakis and Polo shirts while I wore too-tight-to-function skinny jeans and band T-shirts. You sang in a church choir while I drowned my grievances in pathetic, angsty poetry.” This quote really shows how opposites because right after this the author says, “But we worked,” which is saying that the worked together even though they were basically total opposites.

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