Feedback on Sobering Truths | Teen Ink

Feedback on Sobering Truths

October 7, 2015
By greninjash GOLD, New York City, New York
greninjash GOLD, New York City, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Sobering Truths" by "Catherine" is a well-written, emotional piece worth sharing. It tells about how difficult life can get when living with an alcoholic. Catherine states that she and her family have become her servants. She and her brother are even ashamed to bring home friends, fearing what side of her they'd come home to. 


I've always known about the negative effects of alcohol. My own father drinks, but he doesn't drink excessively until drunk. I can't imagine myself having to cope with an alcoholic parent. I feel that this story creates a sense of awareness to readers, decsribing the misery in her daily life. Thank you, Catherine, for sharing this tear-jerking piece with us. 

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